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Acer ChromeBook Tab 10 D651N 9.7
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Acer ChromeBook Tab 10 D651N 9.7" 4GB RAM 32GB HDD *READ DESC*
Price: US $44.98
Acer ChromeBook Tab 10 D651N 9.7" 4GB RAM 32GB HDD *READ DESC*

*** Condition Information & What's Included ***

INCLUDES: Acer ChromeBook Tab 10 w/ battery.DOES NOT INCLUDE: Charger or Stylus.DAMAGES: Display blemished/scratched/dead pixels, case scratched/scuffed, see photos for examples.These items have been tested, reset to factory defaults, and are guaranteed to be in good working condition. Outer Case may show some minor scratches/scuffs from normal use.

Note: If it's not in the pictures or specifically mentioned in the description text,it's probably not included.
Please contact us with any questions if further clarification of the condition description is needed.

Payment & Warranty Shipping Equipment Condition About Us Data & PrivacyPayment & WarrantyWarranty:
We offer a full 30-day money back guarantee from the date of delivery.
Please note: All returns are subject to the Money Back Guarantee Policy.
Read the full Money Back Guarantee Policy here.
Payment Methods:
We subscribe to Managed Payments.
As ofthe time of this posting, Managed Paymentsaccepts the followingpayment methods (subject to change): Credit, debit, and gift cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay, PayPal, and PayPal Credit.Sales Tax Information:
Most states now require online sellers or marketplaces to collect sales tax. Additionally, in the absence of any other taxation provisions, we are legally required to charge Sales Tax for any state where we (EPC, inc.) or our parent company (CSI Leasing) have a physical representation or provide a service.
Taxes are assessed according to the shipping address and are not based on the billing address.
Shipping Domestic Shipping:
After payment is received, most orders (including orders with expedited shipping) will have a (1) business day handling time.

We use UPS, FedEx, or USPS as a FREE shipping service on most of our listings.When offering free shipping,we reserve the right to change the shipping method/carrier without notice.Ifa specific delivery type is required(i.e., USPS does not deliver to your location), please make sure to mention any pertinent details in your payment notes and we will do our best to accommodate all reasonable requests.International Shipping:
Please note: We utilize the EIS ( International Shipping Program) for all international shipments. After payment is received, most orders (including orders with expedited shipping) will have a (1) business day handling time. EIS buyers will be charged US shipping costs that the seller has specified, as well as international shipping, handling, and other fees as determined by . Import charges may be collected from the buyer at checkout or on delivery, either through customs or directly by the carrier. These charges include any customs duties, taxes, brokerage, and other fees.

IMPORTANT: The use of a Mail Forwarding service is not covered under the Money Back Guarantee. Customers utilizing a forwarding service to bypass the EIS for international shipments will not be covered under any warranty and may have their order canceled/refunded before shipping without notice. Equipment ConditionEPC, inc. is proud to offer business-grade I.T. and Computer equipment of all kinds.
Most of our equipment is "Off-Lease", used equipment, so whether it's a laptop, desktop, monitor, printer, or one of our other amazing deals, each piece is likely coming to you from a working business-type environment.

While the physical condition of our used equipment may have minor scratches, blemishes, or other deficiencies from regular use, each piece is guaranteed to be in good working condition.

Please check each listing's description carefully.
Our Certified Technicians inspect our used equipment and verify it to be in good working condition before we post it for sale. However, while most of our items are ready to go right out of the box, some of our equipment may be missing individual components such as a battery, power adapter, printer ribbons, etc. You may need to purchase certain items separately to get all key features up and running at peak performance. About UsEPC, Inc. has been in business since 1984 and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of CSI Leasing - the largest independent I.T. leasing company in the United States!

We are a full-service, technology-driven business and we are ready to provide you with today's best computer-based solutions. Whether it be for home or business, we've got you covered!Hours of operation: Internet Sales Department - Saint Charles, Missouri. USA
Open Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm Central Time. We are closed on weekends and holidays. Data & PrivacyExecutive Personal Computers Inc. (EPC) Global Privacy Policy Effective date: July 15th, 2018

Introduction: Your privacy is important to Executive PersonalComputers Inc (EPC), and its global affiliates (collectively “EPC” or “we” or “our”).

This Policy explains what Personal Data we collect from you, why we collect and process your personal data, when and with whom your personal data is shared, and your rights with respect to your Personal Data. In this Policy the term “Personal Data” means data that identifies or may be used to identify an individual person, including, but not limited to, a person’s name, date of birth, job title, address, email, phone number, or employer. In order to provide outstanding service, we must collect, maintain and process certain Personal Data about our customers, suppliers and other business contacts.

We recognize and respect your privacy concerns and expectations about how we use this information. We want you to know about our privacy policies and practices, and what we do to protect your Personal Data.

Please visit the URL below to view our full privacy policy:
Sold By: epcsales - Saint Charles
Estimated ShippingWeight & Dimensions: 4.00 Lbs. -12.00 x 10.00 x 5.00"

Stock Info
Item ID: 100366Location: EB-126A1Revised: 2/15/2024 Inventory Sector:1
Inventory Number(s): 7885210395 7885210333 7885210384 7885210400 7885210396 7885210425 7885210340 7885210407 7885210353 7885210343 7885210314 7885210398 7885210311 7885210313 7885210363 7885210334 7885210432 7885210309 7885210366 7885210342 7885210438 7885210382 7885210373 7885210302 7885210328 7885210306 7885210421 7885210409 7885210360 7885210368 7885210411 7885210320 7885210402 7885210405 7885210330 7885210417 7885210374 7885210350 7885210362 7885210301 7885210359 7885210354 7885210376 7885210339 7885210348 7885210307 7885210304 7885210408 7885210315 7885210372 7885210308 7885210367 7885210347 7885210413 7885210317 7885210388 7885210341 7885210371 7885210346 7885210385 7885210349 7885210389 7885210418 7885210387 7885210412 7885210370 7885210431 7885210324 7885210335 7885210410 7885210391 7885210331 7885210303 7885210344 7885210414 7885210305 7885210369 7885210390 7885210365 7885210381 7885210355 7885210424 7885210364 7885210327 7885210361 7885210416 7885210420 7885210393 7885210336 7885210338 7885210356 7885210357 7885210394 7885210386 7885210429 7885210434 7885210319 7885210326 7885210322 7885210378 7885210323 7885210379 7885210427 7885210316 7885210436 7885210345 7885210435 7885210321 7885210377 7885210428 7885210397 7885210358

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