UBB.threads Work In Progress Changelog


Work In Progress Changelog

All notable changes to the next release version of UBB.threads PHP Forum Software are documented here. This file can be found within the downloaded program snapshot archive as /install/CHANGELOG-SNAPSHOTS.md. The format is based on Keep a Changelog.

UBB.threads Work In Progress

The next release version of UBB.threads is currently Work In Progress (WIP). Its current code will change several more times before being published to the Member Area at UBBCentral.com. Work in progress code is not available for purchase or download other than by our current group of testers. This series of progress reports is being made public to share the development progress on the next version of UBB.threads PHP Forum Software. Items may be pulled from the final release or may be reworked to have a different presentation than what is depicted in this section. WIP code is very much work in progress and should not be considered final code.

To make the ongoing development status more transparent, progress reports (developer changelogs) are publicly shared within this changelog. When the version is finalized and officially released for download, its changes will be incorporated within the main changelog section.


As a general concept which many developers follow when writing complex software, is to regularly make available "Snapshot" releases to all the testers. Snapshot builds are generated right before moving forward with another large change. They allow the testers to evaluate features. and review the software as it is being developed.

As a general source control (version control) term, a snapshot version indicates a view of the source code taken at a specific time. A snapshot is not necessarily stable or ready for full use and can be changed in the future, as opposed to a release version which is stable and should be final and ready for a general release.

Snapshots are also used where if a bug gets introduced in development, we can go backwards a few snapshot steps to see where that bug started, and then easily handle it.

ubbt8-snapshot - 2024-04-29

This snapshot contains fixes, maintenance items, and asset updates.



  • Minor coding issues related to PHP 8.2+.

ubbt8-snapshot - 2021-06-16

This snapshot contains fixes, maintenance items, and asset updates.



  • Forum Help (FAQ) desciription ordering display bug fixes. (Thanks to Gismo Der Erste for reporting this bug.)

snapshot - 2020-12-12

This snapshot contains fixes and maintenance items



  • Many coding issues related to PHP 8.

snapshot - 2020-11-21

This snapshot contains fixes and maintenance items


  • PHPMailer X-Mailer header will now only broadcasts when debugging is enabled.


  • Fixed a bug that causes HTML special characters to be encoded twice on Portal News Blocks. (Thanks to Morgan for reporting this bug!)
  • CP: Adding, replacing, or Removing Graemlin images has been fixed.

snapshot - 2020-11-06

This snapshot contains fixes and maintenance items



  • Disabling a style from the CP reverts any user who has selected that style, to instead use the default style. Re-enabling the style will enable the member's style again if they have not specifically chosen another one since. Note, deleting styles always reverts users back to the set forum default style.
  • When a user logs out, the default style will be automatically chosen for them as a guest. This does not affect their member account style selection.
  • Post Author Initial-Avatars are correctly sized when enabled.